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Archive for October, 2020

saliva vs urine drug test

Saliva vs Urine Drug Test: What’s the Difference?

Do you think Presidential candidates should get subject to drug testing before elections? President Trump seems to think so, although the Biden team thinks the idea is non-sense. Drug tests are efficient ways to detect substances in a person’s system. If you’re considering buying one, then you’re likely wondering which option is best. When it […]

Alcohol Screening

Alcohol Screening for Employment: Understanding the Basics

If you’re an employer that’s looking to purchase drug and alcohol testing for your employees, you may be wonder about everything that drug testing has to offer to you and your company. We’re here to provide you with all of the information that you’re looking for. Not only are we going to detail what drug […]

Drug test for alcohol

Do Drug Tests Test for Alcohol? What You Need to Know

If you’re an employer that’s looking to order a batch of drug test for current and potential employees, then you’ve come to the right place. You may be wondering, do drug tests test for alcohol? And we’re here to answer that question and more for you. All you’ve got to do is sit back and […]

Post accident DOT drug testing

A Complete Guide to Post Accident DOT Drug Testing

It was overcast, dark and the rain made the roads slick. You didn’t even see the other car until it was too late! Now, the police (and your employer) want you to prove you weren’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to a 2018 study, about 12.6 million drove a vehicle under the […]

Urinalysis Drug Tests

How to Order Urinalysis Drug Tests Online: A Step-By-Step Guide

In 2018, there were a reported 67,367 deaths due to drug overdose. If you suspect a friend, family member, or employee of taking drugs, urinalysis drug tests are a reliable way to tackle the issue head-on. Who knows, you could even save their life and stop them from adding to that shocking statistic. You can order […]

Ways to fail a background check

How Do You Fail a Background Check?: 5 Common Reasons You Need to Know About

Do you manage a small business? If your answer is yes, then you understand the importance of hiring the best employees possible.  And yet it’s impossible to know every detail about potential job candidates based on resumes alone. You also need to know if they’re hiding something about their past that might make you think […]

Ordering Lab Test Online

Test Talk: Your Official Guide to Ordering Lab Tests Online

In the United States, there are about 13 billion lab tests run for patients each year. If you need a medical lab test done, you’re definitely not alone. Many people go to their doctor to have them write a prescription for a lab test, but this option might not work for everyone. If it doesn’t […]

DNA Test Results

You’re (Not) the Father! How Reliable Are DNA Test Results?

Alec Jeffreys, a genetics professor at the University of Leicester, discovered that patterns in some parts of an individual’s DNA could be used to differentiate one person from another. In 1986, he used the first DNA test results to solve a murder. Gregor Mendel inspired him, an Austrian monk deemed the “Father of Genetics.” Mendel […]

Order a Test

Whether you are an individual looking to get a drug test done today or an employer looking to get a pre-employment drug test done today, ordering a test online is easier than ever! Just submit your order online, receive your test authorization by email, go to your local clinic to be tested, and receive your test results in 24 to 48 hours.

Hours of Operation

Monday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Friday 8AM–12:30PM, 1–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our lab.