Background Check Red Flags Employers Should Watch Out For

Do you run background checks on people that you plan on hiring? Are you worried about running into a potential hire with a questionable history?
If so, then there are certain background check red flags that you need to look out for when looking for prospects. Some signs indicate a person who has tendencies that can put your company in danger, while others show that the person may not be able to perform the job they are applying for.
With our knowledge of testing services, you can quickly determine which potential employees are fit for your brand.
Here are background check red flags that employers should watch out for.
1. Refusing a Background Check
While a pre-employment background check will help you find the right hires, candidates must provide written permission before you can do one under law. However, them refusing a background check could indicate that they are hiding something.
Consider prospects who will allow you to do basic checks, especially those that respond with a quick and easy “yes.” Those who don’t may not be responsible hires.
2. Criminal History
One of the most common reasons for a failed employment background check is criminal history. Violent crimes and fraud are major red flags, but even smaller crimes should be considered when you are choosing your employees.
Your company can get in trouble if you hire someone with a criminal history and they commit a crime while they are under your employ. If you want to avoid bankruptcy and similar problems, stick with prospects with no criminal history.
3. Falsified Qualifications
Background check red flags can also come in the form of inconsistencies with the information that potential hires provide. You must make sure that people applying to your jobs not only have the qualifications but are also honest about what they can or can’t do.
Prospects may lie about degrees they obtained in schools or projects that they worked on at previous jobs. Falsified qualifications can get them fired, and a background check can weed out the liers from the honest individuals, no matter how qualified they are.
4. Employment Gaps
Your background checks for jobs should be able to detect how long and how often prospects have been employed. Gaps between employment can signal that the individual is under-qualified, unreliable, or hard to work with.
Have potential hires explain these gaps, as it’s possible that they were not responsible for being out of work. Consider those who needed time to raise their children, were seriously sick, or have been affected by changes in the market.
5. Failed Drug Tests
Some of you may run a company that requires potential employees to pass a drug test. Even if you don’t, you should consider failed drug tests in the past as a red flag.
Your employees need to stay drug and alcohol-free while on the job, whether they need to handle everyday tasks or handle machinery and vehicles. Those who have failed drug tests can be a liability, whether it’s through underperformance or injuring themselves or someone else.
Our Take on Background Check Red Flags
You need to be strict about who you hire, and certain background check red flags will make this process easier.
Some red flags indicate if they are dishonest, while others determine how competent they can be while doing the job. With this guide, you can hire people who will boost your business and keep your brand’s reputation in good shape.
For more of our company testing expertise, contact us today to bring the right people into your company.