Can You Be Fired for Failing a Drug Test?

Drug and alcohol tests in the workplace are becoming more and more commonplace. However, for employees who haven’t gone through the process before or for parents watching their child be subjected to a test, it can be a little daunting. So, what exactly happens when a test comes back failed? Is that your job gone for good? Well, employers have a variety of options as to how they approach this situation. Whether you’re completing a test to apply for a job or your employer requests one after working there for a while, it’s good to understand what the consequences may look like.
This blog breaks down the potential outcomes for a failed drug test. To learn more about the drug and alcohol testing process or to enquire about setting up a test for your workplace, reach out to ReliaLab today.
How Often Do People Fail Drug Tests?
Failed drug tests aren’t especially rare. In 2019, the percentage of US drug test failures reached an all time high for over a decade at 4.5%, and experts believe that this number will only rise as people return from their couple of years isolating or working from home. Testing positive for marijuana is the most common occurrence, and the rates of this drug being detected is only on the rise. But, a failed test doesn’t inherently mean drugs are present in the system – some prescriptions and medications can read positively on a test, and can influence results. So, a failed test isn’t always an automatic sacking.
Failure of a Pre-Employment Drug Test
If you or a loved one are asked to undergo a drug test as a part of a job application, the post-failure process will look a little different. Every state and industry are entirely different, so the consequences may massively differ company-to-company. Likely, a company will already have a drug and alcohol policy as a part of their system well before you’ve been submitted to a test. It’s important to enquire and read up on this prior, to understand what is expected of you and ensure that you fall under the guidelines beforehand. If you don’t comply with their expectations, or the expectations of state law, then they have the right to reject your job application if they so choose.
Failure of an Employee Drug Test
There is no definite answer as to what will happen should you fail a random spot-check or scheduled drug test. Should your employer request one of you, it is entirely dependant on company policy and local law to determine what the progression will be should you fail. It’s important that you have the policy of your workplace available to understand clearly your expectations and the likely consequences, as a failed drug test does not mean that you are guaranteed to lose your job. There may be a referral for treatment, suspension, or removal from the company.
Comprehensive Drug Testing with ReliaLab
If you or a loved one is being subjected to your first drug test, it’s natural to feel a little daunted. The procedure of getting a drug or alcohol test doesn’t need to be stressful, and it’s important to remember that failing a test isn’t always going to mean you’ll be sacked.
To enquire further about drug and alcohol testing, contact ReliaLab today or check out our website to learn more about the drug testing process, or to enquire about getting yourself tested.