Archive for the ‘DNA Testing’ Category
What Can Blood Tests Detect?
If you’ve seen your doctor recently, they’ve likely recommended that you get a blood test. That’s because blood testing is something most physicians request you do at least once a year. What can blood tests detect? Quite a lot, which is why most doctors find them so valuable. If you want to optimize your health […]
Top 5 Reasons Why You Want To Get Sibling DNA Testing Today
Have you been questioning if you and your sibling are really related? Maybe you look and act nothing alike, and it doesn’t seem possible you have the same parents. Or maybe someone else is questioning you. Is there a legal case or other matter where you need to prove the two of you are related? Sibling […]
5 Surprising Things a Blood Test Can Reveal About You
It’s normal to want to avoid blood tests. Blood tests inform roughly 70% of medical decisions. If you’ve been avoiding getting your blood taken at the doctor, you’re taking your life into your own hands. It’s a valuable resource for medical professionals to give you proper care. They reveal a lot more, too. For example, […]
How to Do DNA Testing for Siblings
Have you ever thought to yourself how can you be my sister/brother? We cannot possibly have the same parents. Probably this happens when your siblings annoy you. The truth is how often do environmental conditions play into how we act or don’t act like our siblings? How often is straight up genetics? If there are […]
5 Situations Where You Would Need to Do a Paternity Test
300,000 people undergo a paternity test each year in the United States. These tests work to prove that the father and child are related by examining the potential father and child’s DNA. If a child is related to the parent, he or she will have 50% of the father’s DNA. Legal DNA paternity tests exist […]
How Does DNA Testing Work?
If you’ve ever watched daytime television, you may have stumbled across tabloid talk shows where they try and determine the paternity of a child. Perhaps those scenarios have gotten you thinking about how DNA tests work and what they’re used for. In this article, we’ll explain how DNA testing works so not only do you get […]
Small Strand with Secret Information: The Importance and Uses of the DNA Test
DNA testing is easier than ever now that you can test at home. In fact, more than 26 million people used an ancestry kit and added results to online databases. But discovering more about your ancestry isn’t the only reason DNA testing is useful. There are a wide variety of uses for a DNA test […]
Avoid Delays in the Immigration Process
Nowadays, the laws and regulations around immigration have become extremely strict. This can make it difficult for anyone attempting to gain citizenship into the country. This whole process becomes even more difficult when you are absent of the proper documentation such as a birth certificate to gain access into the country. However, if these documents […]
The Benefits of Paternity DNA Testing During Pregnancy
When there is a question as to who the father of a baby is, the easiest solution to that problem is to take a paternity DNA test. Being unsure of who the father of your new baby can bring upon a load of stress for a new mother. When mothers know who the biological father […]
What is a Siblingship DNA Test?
Over the past few weeks, we have discussed heavily on the different types of DNA testing that is out there and the different areas they are used in to help determine either paternity, ancestry, or within the criminal justice system. One area we have not touched base on and is used less than the others […]