Everything You Need to Know About Ordering Hair Drug Tests Online

Have you been considering ordering hair drug tests for your employees but aren’t sure how to order them? Only 7% of business employers have admitted to using the hair follicle method of drug testing.
In this article, we will explain the process of ordering hair follicle drug tests and the process of using this specific kind of test.
What’s a Hair Drug Tests?
The most common type of drug test used is the urine analysis drug test, but when you need to take a more in-depth look at drug use, you’re going to want to use a hair follicle test because it can detect drugs used in the past 3 months.
The drugs that can be detected by a hair follicle drug test include:
- Marijuana or Grass
- Cocaine
- Opioids including morphine
- Ecstasy
Those are just a few drugs that show up via a hair follicle test, and there are others. An employer may use this test before you’re officially hired by the company or as a random drug test if they become suspicious of an employee’s drug use.
How Does it Work?
When you take the test, the person collecting the hair follicle will take some scissors and cut off a small piece of hair. The piece of hair will be taken from as close to the person’s scalp as possible.
Be aware that hair can be removed from any part of the person’s body.
Once the hair’s collected, it will then be sent to a lab that will test it and send it back to the company before the end of the next day. You should receive your results within the next 24 hours.
Ordering Hair Follicle Drug Tests
Before you’re able to test your employees, you’ll need to order the tests that you’re going to be using. The first thing that you need to do before hiring a drug test is locating a reliable dealer that offers a quality test.
Once you’re able to locate a reliable seller, you can then contact them for the price of drug tests for your business. All that’s left to do is place your order and wait or the tests to arrive.
Here at ReliaLabTest, we offer background checks, urine drug tests, and hair follicle tests to both businesses and individuals. Once your employees have taken the test, return it to us, and we will have your results within 3-5 business days.
Time to Test
There is only one way to order hair drug tests, and that’s from ReliaLabTest. You’ll get a test that’s reliable for detecting drugs used within the last 90 days to determine whether you should hire someone or continue to employ them.
If you’re ready to order the drug tests, you need to make your business a safer place order from us today. And if you want to ensure you’re getting the best tests around, check out some of our client testimonials.