How a Drug-Free Workplace Can Reduce Your Workers Compensation Insurance

No matter what line of work you are in, there is no such thing as having too safe of a workplace. Taking proper care of the employees that help operate your business is vital to growth and success in the workplace. Drug testing your employees is one basic step that can be taken to ensure such safety is provided for everyone. While this process is a great step to a business operating efficiently, drug testing also benefits the employer by reducing their rate on workers compensation insurance. Usually, businesses focus on avoiding any injuries on the job, but accidents do happen from time to time, making workers compensation insurance a necessity for employers with multiple employees.
Workers Compensation insurance works with two main purposes:
1) To compensate the employee a portion of the wage lost while out of work and help pay for medical expenses
2) For the employer to avoid lawsuits from employees injured on the job.
This is an asset for any business because of the coverage on both ends. This helps the employee with medical expenses and loss of wages, while the employer avoids any legal action the employee might take against them.
Most insurance companies that offer this type of insurance prefer that the business being covered drug test their employees. Insurance companies know that if drugs are present in the workplace that there is a higher possibility of injury and that means more claims filed for workers compensation. You should not rely on your insurance but instead, you should take the steps to avoid using it and have it there in the event that something does happen. Administering a drug test for all employees during the pre-employment process and random drug testing are two great methods to keep employees safe in the workplace. If an insurance company knows that a business is taking all the right steps to keep a safe workplace, then they are more likely to provide that business with a better rate on their insurance.
A price cannot be put on keeping a work environment safe. By taking every possible step, you are showing that you care for your employees and the workspace. Insurance companies see this and know that if you take care of your business, then they won’t have to experience many difficulties with you as a client. This leads to a better relationship and better service in the event of a workplace accident. If you have not already, ask your insurance company about possible benefits to providing a drug-free workplace and what that can do for your rate. Most companies will view this as taking the right steps to avoid any accidents and reward you with a better rate. Investing the extra bit of money into the health and safety of your employees won’t go unnoticed. In fact, that little investment could save you tons in the scheme of things.