Do you need a Nationwide background check or somewhere else in the country?
It is vital to do background checks on applicants so you can determine whether they have a criminal background. Such applicants may include any one applying as an employee, contractor, consultant, or tenant.
In cases where people will be working with money or vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly, you are wise to run a criminal specific Nationwide background checks. This provides not only information for you in your hiring process, but peace of mind for your clients and customers. Some companies go so far as to advertise the fact that they do background screenings, so that potential customers will trust them.
While that may make perfect sense, the reality is that very few employers have the time to do full background checks in all the criminal databases and verify the information that is in them for each applicant under consideration. Reliable information is necessary for a wise decision, and such information is scattered across many sources. It is vital to utilize a professional agency such as Relialab. We examine a wide array for records that will reveal any criminal charges or activity on an individual.
Sources Checked
We provide in-depth Nationwide background checks that examine:
- County Criminal Records (7 year search from address)
- Social Security Trace
- National Criminal Search with Sex Offender
- Federal Criminal Records
- Statewide Criminal Records
- Sex Offender Registry
- Global Homeland Security Records
- International Criminal History Records
- Government Watch Lists
What Information Can Be Found
A criminal background check will show if the individual has committed any felonies. Some misdemeanors and lighter infractions my also appear, depending on the reporting policies and practices of the authority in charge of the case. We will find and evidence of federal crimes or crimes that occurred on federal properties. We can also tell whether a person is on a sex offender registry of a homeland security registry.
How Far Back We Can Check
Lighter offenses may disappear after a few years, but serious crimes remain in the record indefinitely in many jurisdictions. The greater question is how far back to you want us to check? You may be satisfied with the last seven years, while others want decades of checks.
The Length of Time to Run a Detailed Background Check
Allow up to three business days, though many can be completed in just one day. It is best to start a criminal background check as early as possible so you won’t leave a candidate waiting for your final decision.
Which Applicants to Check
It is not necessary to check every applicant. Once you narrow your choices down to two or three, you may find it advisable to ask for a criminal background check on those applicants. Some companies wait until after a job offer has been made. If a criminal check reveals problems at that point, you may have trouble attracting the applicants you rejected. Checking the final group is advisable, before the job offer.
The Documents Needed
Provide a document that notifies the employee that you will be conducting a criminal background check. It is best to do this early in the interview process in case any applicants want to withdraw. You will also need a signed permission document where the applicant consents to the background check.
Criminal Checks with Other Background Screens
A Nationwide background check is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting to know your applicants. You should also do an employment verification, as well as education and professional licenses verifications. This comprehensive approach will give you a much fuller picture of an applicant’s background.
Using “Instant” Online Criminal Checks
These services are known to be outdated and spotty with the information they provide. You should know that there is not a single criminal database that can be checked. You need a service that can scour the thousands of sources nationwide.
The Bottom Line for a Nationwide Background Check
In a perfect world, all applicants are honest and forthcoming about their histories. But there is a lot of money at stake when applying for a job, and some will try to cut corners or bend the truth to gain an advantage. Protect yourself by running a business background check, particularly criminal background checks. This does not mean you will always exclude a candidate who has had a problem, but you can inquire about the situation and determine if it is serious enough to disqualify that person for employment with you.
Call ReliaLab to get your Nationwide background check information to help you make intelligent hiring decisions.
Form More Information

For more information about Nationwide Background Checks or to schedule a test, contact our office.