The Department of Transportation (DOT) has its own standards for drug testing. ReliaLab knows how to comply with DOT Drug Testing standards. This can be useful for anyone whose agency operations are under the DOT jurisdiction.
DOT Drug Testing for Business
Note that DOT-approved alcohol and drug tests are unique, and tests with different standards, performed by a lab that is not DOT-compliant, cannot be substituted. Agencies under DOT jurisdiction that do not follow DOT regulations are subject to fines, suspensions, and penalties.
DOT Unique Requirements
Any samples, whether urine or breath, are to be specified as DOT samples and cannot be used for any tests not specifically requested by a DOT agency.
If non-DOT test results differ from DOT drug testing, the DOT results cannot be disregarded.
Specific DOT forms must be filled out for each test.
Those collecting samples must complete training that is aimed at requirements for DOT collections.
The DOT agency must request the test, it must be mandated, and specific information about conducting the test must be provided.
Collection sites must have appropriate staff, materials, equipment, and oversight for both the collection and temporary storage. The facility must have the ability to ship urine to a lab safely and securely.
Note that ReliaLab meets all the requirements for DOT drug testing.
Who Must Be DOT Tested
Any employee who is designated as safety-sensitive is subject to drug and alcohol testing.
This includes the following jobs (taken from the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance):
FAA Flight crews, flight attendants, flight instructors, air traffic controllers at facilities not operated by the FAA or under contract to the U.S. military, aircraft dispatchers, aircraft maintenance or preventative maintenance personnel, ground security coordinators and aviation screeners. Operators and air traffic control facilities not operated by the FAA or under contract to the US Military.
Commercial Motor Carriers
FMCSA Commercial Drivers License (CDL) holders who operate Commercial Motor Vehicles, 26,001 lbs. gvwr. or greater, or operate a vehicle that carries 16 passengers or more including the driver, or those who are required to display a DOT placard in the transportation of hazardous material.
In some instances, states allow waivers from this qualification, such as operators of fire trucks and some farm equipment. Check with your state department of motor vehicles for more information.
USCG An agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Crewmembers operating a commercial vessel. Pipeline
PHMSA Operations, maintenance and emergency response. Railroad FRA Hours of Service Act personnel, engine & train, signal service or train dispatchers. See FRA regulations at 49 CFR Part 219.
FTA Vehicle operators, controllers, mechanics and armed security.
Drugs DOT Drug Testing Look For
DOT drug testing is a urine test. DOT requires ReliaLab to screen for:
- Basic street drugs along with prescription drugs.
Prescriptions are allowed if medicines are prescribed by a licensed doctor, the doctor has made a judgment that the medicine will not prevent you from doing your job safely, the prescribed dosage is used, at least one of your doctors knows all the medications that have been prescribed for you, and your agency drug and alcohol regulations do not prohibit the drug or drugs you are taking.
Part 40 DOT 5-Panel Notice
When You Can Receive DOT Drug Testing
You can be tested as a part of pre-employment, when there is a reasonable suspicion, when you are returning to duty, after an accident ( Post-Accident), or as a follow-up to a previous test. Note that you may also be tested randomly.
ReliaLab provides a mobile team for testing and is ready to go to accident scenes or other locations to collect samples. This can help when there has been a problem related to operating machinery or transporting materials.
The Alcohol Test
The DOT drug and alcohol test is a breath test. ReliaLab administers this test using devices that are approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Devices are also approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The test is administered by a screening test technician or a breath alcohol technician. All procedures are in line with DOT regulations.
ReliaLab is not allowed to give your results to outside agencies, individuals or organizations. “Outside” means non-DOT organizations. You can provide your written consent to override this rule.
However, though the lab cannot release your results according to the above limitations, your results may be released without your permission for grievances, legal proceedings, and administrative proceedings.
Also, note that if you change jobs, your test results will be given to any employer that is DOT-regulated.
The Bottom Line in DOT Drug Testing
DOT drug testing is a serious undertaking, and must be performed by a lab that knows DOT regulations. ReliaLab is experienced in complying with DOT rules, and delivers accurate, well-documented tests for both drugs and alcohol.
If you are about to take a position with an employer who is DOT-regulated, you may want to have ReliaLab administer a test whose results will be given to you alone. This way, you can assess the likelihood that you will pass the pre-employment DOT drug testing.
Note that these tests can be useful even for those who are not regulated by the Department of Transportation. The rigorous nature of these tests can provide an extra layer of certainty you may find useful in a variety of circumstances.
Contact ReliaLab today for your DOT drug testing.
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Whether you are an individual looking for DOT Drug Testing or an employer looking for DOT Drug Testing for pre-employment screening, ordering a test online is fast and easy! See how it works.