When you need testing that will stand up in court, you must choose your lab carefully. A quality lab will know what is required to make sure the court drug test results are admissible and effective.
At ReliaLab, we are experts at providing court admissible legal drug testing as well as legal DNA testing for judicial purposes. There are four major areas where we make sure we comply with the needs for legal testing.
Chain of Custody
Whether we collect a sample on site or have the sample delivered to us, we take precautions to document the chain of custody so you won’t have test results thrown out of court.
Our professionals know how to handle a sample in a manner that prevents contamination, and document every step of the way so that we know who has handled a sample, what was done to it, and when this occurred.
This documentation can be presented in court along with the test results, adding validity to the findings. Many a case has been thrown out despite good evidence because the chain of custody was violated. That’s why ReliaLabs is the preferred choice for legal drug testing or legal DNA testing.
Accuracy of Legal Drug Testing & Legal DNA Testing
Every test has an accuracy range. Our results always fall within those ranges because we take care to prepare samples carefully and consistently, according to the strictest standards.
Then we run the tests, whether they are for DNA, drugs, alcohol, or any other purpose, using standardized procedures. This ensures that results are in the range predicted for each type of court drug test.
We also know how people cheat on tests, and can give you our opinion on whether that occurred in any particular case.
When presenting our test results in court, your evidence is unlikely to be challenged by an expert witness who knows the science behind such tests.
Analysis of Tests
We won’t tell you how to apply test results to a crime, but we can tell you our scientific interpretation of results.
For example, we can tell you whether a person has been taking drugs for the past 90 days by using a hair follicle test, or we can tell you current intoxication levels (at the time the sample was drawn) by using a blood test.
This analysis is essential, because the average person on a jury, and even a judge, will not be likely to have the skills to look at raw data and come to conclusions.
Delivery of Test Results
We have a strict policy about who gets the test results. We only give results to the person who requested the tests. In cases where a representative of an organization is given the results, we make sure that person actually represents the designated agency that is supposed to have the results.
This privacy can help you conduct the discovery process without interference, and allows you to share the evidence according to the dictates of law, rather than by accident.
The Bottom Line in Legal Drug Testing & Legal DNA Testing
Legal DNA testing or legal drug testing for judicial purposes requires special attention to some vital details. ReliaLab knows what those details are and can not only meet the requirements for such testing; we document every step of the way. This gives you proof that the test was handled properly.
In some areas, such as marijuana intoxication in Colorado, fatal traffic accidents related to the drug have tripled. This is going to become an area of the law that changes rapidly. Many states and the federal government have not established marijuana levels that can be considered impaired.
This is just one example of why you need a lab that stays on top of the law. As new testing methods arrive, and as laws change, we can provide you with the most accurate and timely evidence to present in court.
Legal matters are complex enough without adding in questionable test results. Get peace of mind about your court drug testing by calling ReliaLab.
Form More Information

For more information about Testing for Legal and Judicial Purposes or to schedule a test, contact our office.