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Archive for April, 2019

Drug Test

How Drug Tests Work for Saliva and Urine Screening

Out of all working Americans, 7.7% have an alcohol use disorder and 15.6% have another substance abuse disorder. While percentages are increasing, productivity and safety are decreasing, and this isn’t solely an issue in the workplace. One way to combat this issue is to require drug tests. They allow you to see if someone is […]


How Long Does Oxycodone Stay in Your System?

The number of employees using drugs at work might surprise a lot of people. And at least 17 percent of drug use in the workplace includes opiates and a variety of depressants. For some, it’s not a big deal. But if you’re running a company, you likely should. Drug testing is the most reliable way to […]

Most Accurate Drug Test

What Is the Most Accurate Drug Test?

Whether you’re concerned about a potential employee, a child, a parolee, or a recovering addict, keeping someone on the straight and narrow is never easy. Thankfully, today’s technology offers us far more tools than we had a few decades ago. Social media has a way of broadcasting people’s misdeeds, for example. In addition, drug tests […]

Hair Follicle Drug Test

Are There Hair Follicle Drug Tests You Can Order Online?

Polls reveal that almost 60% of employers conduct drug tests on employee candidates. Most employers use urine drug tests, and hair follicle drug tests are available online. Employers drug test to increase safety and decrease drug-related absenteeism.  Are you about to start a new job? There’s a good chance you’ll get drug tested. A hair […]

Drug Test

How to Choose the Best Drug Test for Your Business

Drug use costs the US 740 billion dollars annually. If you want to ensure that some of that cost doesn’t get transferred to your business you may want to look into the best drug test for your business and employees.  You may not know where to start so keep reading to find out how to […]

blood drug tests

Are There Blood Drug Tests You Can Order Online?

Out of the five types of drug tests – hair, saliva, urine, sweat, and blood – blood drug tests are the most accurate. They test for the parent drug rather than metabolites, and mostly have a detection period of up to 48 hours. Whether it’s required for work or you personally want one, you can […]

Order a Test

Whether you are an individual looking to get a drug test done today or an employer looking to get a pre-employment drug test done today, ordering a test online is easier than ever! Just submit your order online, receive your test authorization by email, go to your local clinic to be tested, and receive your test results in 24 to 48 hours.

Hours of Operation

Monday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM, 1–4:30PM
Friday 8AM–12:30PM, 1–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our lab.